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From Laurel’s Desk – March 2019

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in the March 2019 issue


A collage of images from four student events this semester: Fire Protection Student Association’s Industry Dinner, Enactus Regional Competition, HR Connects, and Transforming our WorldI’d been thinking, or rather procrastinating, about this short article for several weeks. Like many of our students, I knew the deadline was fast approaching. I saw it in large letters on my “to do” list each day. I would look at the list, see “Academic Newsletter,” add a few more items, feel a little anxious, and tell myself “tomorrow.” And tomorrow would come, I would feel a little more anxious and pressured and just not find (or make) the time to sit down and get it done. Where had the time gone?

As I looked at my calendar, attempting to solve the mystery of my lost time, I was struck by the number of events between mid-February and the end of the semester involving our students and all of the invitations I receive: networking events, industry, design and applied research showcases, symposia, conferences, competitions, awards ceremonies, and athletics banquets. In some cases, it is the students themselves who take on the organization and execution of the event, as was the case with the recent Industry Dinner organized by the School of Fire Protection Student Association. A flawlessly executed, sold-out event that I will not soon forget. As I thought about this event and others I’ve attended over the past few weeks, including the Enactus Regional Competition, HR Connects and Transforming our World, it is evident that these very special learning opportunities and celebrations would not be possible without our people. At the centre are professors who inspire, coach, challenge, and support individuals or teams of students to test their abilities, apply knowledge, hone soft skills, and learn about themselves. It’s incredibly inspiring to witness the interaction between students and faculty as they celebrate their “wins” and reflect on their learnings. Your commitment to providing and supporting these activities, which have a profound impact on students, is so appreciated. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the contribution of support staff and administrators to the team; both are integral to the planning and support of so many of these curricular and co-curricular initiatives, events, and experiences. Thank you.

Over the next five weeks, I will have the opportunity to attend many more celebrations and events. I am looking forward to seeing students’ work and sharing in the pride that you have for what they have accomplished. Oh, and getting out of high heels. Those evening events can be hard on the feet!

Wishing you all the best for a successful end of semester,




Image credits: Fire Protection Student Association’s Industry Dinner from Scott Puglsey; Enactus Regional Competition from Sarah Arliss; HR Connects from Seneca Alumni; Transforming our World from Seneca Fashion



View the March 2019 issue of the Academic Newsletter.

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