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Augmented Reality | Extended Reality Guide | Seneca Polytechnic

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Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

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What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

An overlay of digital information onto a view of the real world.

AR makes use of built-in sensors in mobile devices (smart phones and tablets) to place digital objects in the camera view.

How can AR promote learning?

AR applications are most effective when there is a benefit to blending the physical and virtual spaces. AR allows students to:

  • digitally change the appearance of the physical world.
  • view objects and designs in the context of a real space
  • enhance information retrievable from the real world.

Change the appearance of what you see. In this example, a digital image of translated words is placed over scanned text, creating the illusion that the words have changed from one language into another.

Blend the virtual and physical spaces to create something new. Augmented reality is used here to create an interactive art installation that combines digital media with a physical space to create a single piece of art that joins the virtual and real worlds.

Enhance the real world with additional information. Augmented reality projects operating instructions onto music studio equipment in this training application for sound engineering students.


Question Requirement
What do my students need to use AR?

Mobile device (smartphone, tablet)

What do I need to implement AR in my teaching?

Lesson plan that outlines how augmented reality will be used to teach, practice or assess learning.

Augmented reality application

  • AR apps are available on Google Play or the AppStore
  • Create your own AR scenes using Adobe Aero
How is it made?

Custom AR apps can be created using a Software Development Kit (SDK) such as:

Where do I start?

Complete the XR Project Intake form on the Getting Started page ffor assistance with finding AR applications, setting up an activity for your students, and to discuss new project ideas.

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