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Academic Integrity Offence

Academic Integrity Offence

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What is an Academic Integrity Offence?

An academic integrity offence includes, but is not limited to, the following examples of cheating, plagiarism, falsification, impersonation, and contract cheating:


  1. Giving students answers to exam questions during the exam or while leaving the examination room, or telling other students who have their exam later, of the questions that appear on the exam.
  2. Having unauthorized material or electronic devices during a test or exam
  3. Using, giving, receiving or attempting to use, give or receive unauthorized information during any form of evaluation.
  4. Knowingly helping another student to commit an act of cheating by letting him/her view your answers by lending your work or by working together on a project not specifically assigned and/or approved as a group effort.


  1. Submitting as your own any material done, in a whole or part, by someone else.
  2. Submitting any work copied, in whole or in part, from another source, such as the Internet, journal articles or books, without reference to the original author or source.
  3. Allowing your essay, report, assignment or computer files to be submitted by another student.
  4. Allowing another student to do your laboratory or field work for you.
  5. Submitting as your own, in whole or part, any work that is currently or has been previously graded in another course, without the prior permission of the professor, even if you were the original author.
  6. Submitting work with misleading references or data that do not reflect the sources you actually used.
  7. In group and/or team work, submitting work in which you know or ought reasonably to have known that one or more components contain and/or involve an Academic Integrity offence.


  1. Changing grades or answers on an assignment for the purpose of re-grading.
  2. Falsifying, misrepresenting or forging an academic record or any other supporting documentation, medical or otherwise, for the purpose of gaining any type of academic advantage.
  3. Forging a signature on, or changing an academic work of another student.
  4. Deliberately changing or damaging an academic work of another student.


Taking a test, an examination or any other assessment for another person, or having another person take a test, an examination or any other assessment for you.

Contract Cheating

  1. Obtaining an exam or test, in whole or in part, in advance of its administration, without the permission of the professor.
  2. Buying or otherwise obtaining reports, essays, assignments, or other academic work, for submission as your own.
  3. Selling or otherwise assisting with the purchase and/or sale of reports, essays, assignments or any other academic work for submission.

Inappropriate Collaboration

When students work together or share information without specific instructions from the professor