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Official Launch of the PRME Student Committee | Seneca Business: Principles for Responsible Management Education | Seneca Polytechnic

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Official Launch of the PRME Student Committee

Official Launch of the PRME Student Committee

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We are thrilled to share the outcome of our recent selection process for the PRME Student Committee. After careful consideration and evaluation of over 50 applicants, we have chosen seven outstanding individuals who demonstrate remarkable dedication to driving positive change within our community.

We are proud to announce the following students as the inaugural members of the PRME Student Committee:

  • Ola Dutkiewica-Duminuco
  • Gelica Sara Guico
  • Mayuri Kapadia
  • Akhil Mathew George
  • Carolin Saju
  • Ashley Spigelman
  • Katrina St. Louis

These individuals have demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability through their coursework, experiences, and involvement in related events. We are confident that their diverse perspectives and innovative ideas will contribute significantly to the committee's objectives.

The PRME Student Committee is a collaboration by and for students that fosters engagement to bring forth the ideation and implementation of new ways for spreading sustainability awareness and knowledge to Seneca Business students. As members of the PRME Student Committee, they will also collaborate closely with the PRME Advisory Committee to organize events, manage projects, and support initiatives, as well as establish connections with PRME Global Students, further expanding our network and opportunities for impactful engagement.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the selected students and express our gratitude to all who applied for their interest and enthusiasm. As the PRME Student Committee embarks on this journey, we are very excited to see the positive impact that this committee will bring for our Seneca Business community!

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