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Professional Knowledge

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  1. Professional Knowledge
    Faculty understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and their discipline to create learning experiences that are both accessible and meaningful for learners assuring mastery of the content. The educator applies professional knowledge to promote student learning and are knowledgeable in pedagogical content knowledge, assessment, and evaluation, and the use of technology to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity and collaborative problem solving related to local and global issues.
    1. Understanding pedagogical content knowledge of the discipline(s) he or she teachers and using evidence-based practices creates learning experiences that are authentic and meaningful for learners.
    2. Grounding teaching in the scholarship of teaching and learning.
    3. Engaging in an academic community of practice.
    4. Using Universal Design of Learning (UDL) to inform practice.
Core Literacies Description
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Explore and examine issues, ideas, artefacts and events before forming opinions and drawing conclusions to solve problems.
Inquiry and Analysis Apply a systematic process for exploring issues and challenges through the collection and analysis of evidence.
Creative Thinking Explore ideas, generate possibilities, and develop alternate responses that foster creative thinking.

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