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Curriculum Map | The Teaching & Learning Centre | Seneca Polytechnic

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Curriculum Map

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A curriculum map is a document which identifies the courses in a program, identifying pre- and co-requisites as well as future related courses. Once you have identified the learning outcomes for your program, the next step is to identify the courses that students complete to reach the program outcomes, and where your course fits in. This is done using a curriculum map.

When a college program is designed, each program outcome is broken down into smaller and smaller topics or outcomes until they become manageable content for individual courses; topics or outcomes are organized into courses through a process of backwards course design so that successful completion of all the courses will meet the program outcomes. In all programs, the program learning outcomes are achieved through progression through a series of courses.

What’s the role of your course in meeting your programs’ learning outcomes?
Where does your course “fit” in the program’s design?

Task: Use the Curriculum Map Template (.docx) as an example, and map your course within the curriculum of the program. Once you have completed this task, you should be able to answer the following questions:

  1. Which semester is your course located in?
  2. Are there pre-requisites to your course?
  3. Are there co-requisites to your course?
  4. Are there any subjects that your course is a pre-requisite for?

Identifying connections between your course and other courses in the program may help you later when it is time to identify how your course should be organized / designed / sequenced.

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