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Knowledge Shared, Success Multiplied

Knowledge Shared, Success Multiplied

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by Todd Malarczuk, Professor in the Teaching & Learning Centre

In the spring of 2023, we introduced the New Faculty Mentoring Program (NFMP) pilot as an integrated and non-evaluative support for new full-time faculty. See our Mentors Wanted: New Faculty Mentoring Program Spark Plug from May 2023.

We want to provide a brief update on the NFMP today.

As you look back on your journey, regardless of your role at Seneca Polytechnic, you will recall that you had a lot of questions when you first started. Those questions likely ranged from specifics about your day-to-day responsibilities, to numerous technology-related questions, to the closest coffee on campus 😊. Being a new full-time faculty is certainly no different, which is why the NFMP was created.

In early September, with the support from Chairs of interested schools, 14 experienced faculty were matched with 22 new full-time faculty to create mentor-mentee relationships, with the goal of fostering professional growth, knowledge sharing, relationship building, and skill development.

Under the guidance of Seneca’s Teaching & Learning Centre, we have established a dedicated Microsoft Teams channel for mentors, including FAQs, and developed three Mentoring Nutshells to address inquiries and provide clarity on the program's objectives, as well as support for mentors as they build trusting relationships with their mentees.

Mentors are to meet regularly with their mentees and develop a plan for how to continue their conversations. As this is a pilot program, we recognize the value in feedback, and have met with both the mentors and the mentees to solicit insight into the progress of the pilot program. It is important for us to determine both the successes of the program as well as areas where improvements can be made in order to better support the needs of mentors and mentees. The data that is gathered will help the Teaching & Learning Centre make recommendations for the program moving forward.

We believe that mentorship plays a crucial role in the development of a collaborative working environment and achieving the goals of Seneca. We would like to thank our mentors for providing support, advice, and valuable insights to our mentees so that they may achieve their career objectives and manage day to day issues that may arise. Growth and development of new faculty is not linked to having a mentor… it is linked to being mentored in a purposeful and thoughtful manner.


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

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