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Students and Student Success

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  1. Students and Student Success
    Educators need to know how learners learn and develop conceptual understandings to design and implement appropriate learning experiences. Faculty should understand individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure their lessons are inclusive and that each learner can meet high standards.
    1. Understanding patterns of learning and development and that learners vary individually cognitively, socially, and emotionally.
    2. Respecting diverse learning needs of students.
    3. Incorporating relevant curriculum designed for future life/work success.
    4. Creating an environment that supports both independent and collaborative learning, self-motivation, and active engagement.
    5. Engaging in ethical and reflective practice.
    6. Being available to students.
    7. Being passionate about the subject, teaching and learning.
Core Literacies Description
Written Communication Create written works consistent with the expectations of the field of study that show an awareness of context, audience and purpose and adhere to disciplinary and genre conventions and forms.
Oral Communication Exchange thoughts and information, make clear presentations, and interact with diverse audiences.
Creative Thinking Explore ideas, generate possibilities, and develop alternate responses that foster creative thinking.
Intercultural Knowledge and Global Perspective Create an inclusive learning environment that fosters student engagement and makes connections between and among local and global issues and contexts.


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