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Professional Learning

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  1. Professional Learning
    Faculty are committed to ongoing professional learning and continuously improve their teaching practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their professional communities. They promote the effective use of digital tools and resource. Faculty remains current in the knowledge and skills that is representative of a professional in a global and digital society.
    1. Engaging in ongoing professional learning and collects evidence to continually monitor teaching practice.
    2. Improving their professional practice, modeling lifelong learning, and exhibiting leadership in their professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.
Core Literacies Description
Quantitative Literacy Select and use the required mathematical/analytical concepts and operations necessary for problem-solving, decision-making, economic productivity and real world applications.
Inquiry and Analysis Apply a systematic process for exploring issues and challenges through the collection and analysis of evidence.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Explore and examine issues, ideas, artefacts and events before forming opinions and drawing conclusions to solve problems.
Digital Literacy Evaluate and curate information and create artefacts using digital technologies and mobile platforms safely and responsibly.

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